Javad Hezareh


CE Department

Sharif University of Technology

Iran, Tehran

Hi 👋. I’m Javad. I’m an undergraduate student at Sharif University of Technology, Iran, about to graduate with a B.S. in Computer Engineering and a minor in Mathematics.

What truly captivates me is the world of machine learning. Right now, I’m focused on areas in machine learning such as trustworthy machine learning, federated learning, and computer vision. I firmly believe that by unraveling the secrets of deep networks and their adversarial properties, we can bring machines closer to the level of human cognition. This journey towards enhancing the performance and reliability of artificial intelligence systems is my driving force.

Thank you for visiting my academic webpage, where I’ll be sharing my research findings, projects, and insights on the fascinating world of machine learning. Feel free to explore my work, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you share similar interests or have any questions.


Aug 1, 2023 I started an internship at RUB working on trustworthy machine learning.
Jul 29, 2023 Finally I did this and published my academic page ✨.